Training for companies


How do we do this?
We conduct group and individual classes in Russian and English language on the programs of secure and advanced driving.

Where do we conduct classes?
We conduct theoretic classes at comfortable and quiet premises (e.g. conference room, rented study room). Practical classes are conducted at the customer's car or rented car around city and country roads of general usage.

Training specifics
We build training process on material positive perception, conduct classes at easy - to-understand and interactive manner, explain everything starting from simple aspects and then come to more complicated ones. During practical classes, we master simple ways, train driving systematic and smoothness.

Training efficiency
As the teachers, we use the knowledge of adults teaching psychology. That is why we are capable to teach defensive driving within short term. As a rule, the drivers having driving skills and experience do not ask questions "How?" and "What to do during driving?". That is why we need first answer the questions "Why?", "Why is it so important to do this way?" and only then start driving teaching.


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